Apr 10, 2019 · Should paternity tests be mandatory if a child is born? Why or why not? When I was on welfare, I was required to provide my child’s father’s contact information because welfare can be taken from the father in the form of child support and used to

Marrying your first cousin, while illegal in many states, is not the worst thing you could do. But the situation gets hairy if several generations follow do the same. Mandatory DNA Sampling in a Criminal Investigation Apr 23, 2018 A Shocking Proposal to Stop Paternity Fraud - IDENTIGENE

Debating DNA Collection - NCJRS

Difference Between Mandatory and Compulsory | Compare the Sep 05, 2011

Jun 22, 2018 · DNA testing should only be used as a last resort if concerns about fraud persist, or if a refugee willfully wishes to take the test to aid their application. Compulsory genetic testing is not only an invasion of privacy, it is also a poor measure of familial relationships, it is often unreliable, and its data has the potential to be breached and used for nefarious purposes.

I believe that Paternity testing should be mandatory for a father to be put on a birth certificate CMV Mother's Baby Father's Maybe. I think that paternity testing should be mandatory in all cases where a man wishes to put his name on the birth certificate.