NetBIOS - Wikipedia

Mar 02, 2013 Configuring NetBIOS over TCP/IP Jan 21, 2015 Using a netbios scan to survey your network We are going to see a few tools that will aid us in this task by quering the CIFS service (also known as SMB / NetBIOS) which is run by all Windows host. To get us started let’s see the nbtscan tool, we can give it network range in the form of a CIDR or just with two values separated with a dash. This will give us a nice list of all the Network Administration: The nbtstat Command - dummies

NetBIOS is legacy and you only need it if you are using old applications or old versions of Windows that require it or use WINS. If your running applications or OS's that require it still, NetBIOS is probably not the real problem here.

If you want to get the NetBIOS names of a remote computer, the command is . c:\windows>nbtstat -a ipaddress. Example - To get the NetBIOS names of a computer having ip address, we shall use the command. NOTE- may be a active ip address of someone's computer. I am using it only as an example. What is an SMB Port + Ports 445 and 139 Explained | Varonis Mar 29, 2020

The NetBIOS name table is the list of NetBIOS names that corresponds to NetBIOS applications running on that computer. /A Displays the NetBIOS name table of a remote computer, specified by the IP address (in dotted decimal notation) of the remote computer. /c

When you use the-R and -RR attributes along with the Nbstat command you can refresh or purge the NetBIOS name cache (-R) and the names registered with WINS, Windows Internet Name Service, (-RR). The NetBIOS name cache helps to reduce network traffic by eliminate the need for broadcasting or long WINS queries. Dec 05, 2018 · UDP/137 – Netbios Name Service: This port is used to attain name resolution for Netbios. Think of it as Netbios’s version of DNS or ARP . It’s simply a way to use something you have, make a query, and get something you want in return. DNS vs NetBIOS Since the inception and use of computers, there have been many names that have been given to these machines that have come to greatly make work easier on the general population.