Use OpenDNS

Binaries for running a DNS authoritative server. Proto: Raw DNS library, exposes an unstable API and only for use by the other Trust-DNS libraries, not intended for end-user use. Client: Used for sending query, update, and notify messages directly to a DNS server. Server: Use to host DNS records, this also has a named binary for running in a Solaris 10 - DNS / Issues / Help 2016-4-8 · nslookup is a client service , it doesn't require /network/dns/server: to run. As for nscd , in my sol 10 boxes if i do svcadm disable nscd , it works , not sure why it 's not working for you ,unless you have rc scripts to start it ( ie, outside SMF control) though that shouldn't be the case ideally. Issues with blocking Skype; How to allow Instagram when blocking social networking; Chrome for Mobile and OpenDNS - Inconsistency with block pages; Why does the OpenDNS IP Updater connect to Google/Appspot? FAQ: How OpenDNS handles .cm DNS requests; How to: Running a TCP Traceroute; How to: Enforcing Google SafeSearch, YouTube, and Bing

MustGather: DNS Server Issues on the IBM i

Solve Common DNS Issues with These Simple Tips - Site24x7 … Since DNS issues can be caused by a variety of reasons TechRepublic has a ten step guide for general DNS troubleshooting, Below are a couple of tools which can be used to help make resolving errors much easier. Linux simply requires you to open a bash window and enter the same command.

musl libc - Open Issues 2020-6-6 · Open Issues. This wiki page is for tracking known, mostly longstanding issues that are non-trivial to fix. Before adding an issue here, it should have been discussed at least once on the mailing list or IRC channel. Simple bugs found can usually be fixed right away. The resolver (DNS) framework in musl is a legacy-free implementation from Fixing “The DNS server was unable to open Active Directory 2015-7-25 · Event ID 4000: The DNS server was unable to open Active Directory. This DNS server is configured to obtain and use information from the directory for this zone and is unable to load the zone without it. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly and reload the zone. In my case since I suspected DNS issues in the first place Name resolution and connectivity issues on a …